Bio: Barbara Webb obtained a BSc in Psychology at the University of Sydney followed by a PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh, where she began her exploration of insect-inspired robots by building a robot cricket (featured in Scientific American). She held faculty positions at the University of Nottingham and University of Stirling before returning to the University of Edinburgh where she is now Professor of Biorobotics in the School of Informatics. She leads the Insect Robotics group, investigating navigation, learning and sensorimotor control, and holds an EPSRC Advanced Career Fellowship to study how insect grasp objects. She has been invited to write reviews describing her pioneering approach to using robots to understand animal behavior for Nature and Science. She was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2022.
Bio: Prof. Darrell is on the faculty of the CS and EE Divisions of the EECS Department at UC Berkeley. He founded and co-leads Berkeley’s Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) lab, the Berkeley DeepDrive (BDD) Industrial Consortia, and the BAIR Commons program. He also was Faculty Director of the PATH research center at UC Berkeley from 2015-2021, and led the Vision group at the UC-affiliated International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley from 2008-2014. Prior to that, Prof. Darrell was on the faculty of the MIT EECS department from 1999-2008, where he directed the Vision Interface Group. He was a member of the research staff at Interval Research Corporation from 1996-1999, and received the S.M., and PhD. degrees from MIT in 1991 and 1996, respectively. He obtained the B.S.E. degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1988. Darrell’s group develops algorithms for large-scale perceptual learning, including object and activity recognition and detection, for a variety of applications including autonomous vehicles, media search, and multimodal interaction with robots and mobile devices. His areas of interest include computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, and perception-based human computer interfaces.
Prof. Darrell also co-founded and serves as President of Prompt AI. Darrell is an advisor to several other ventures, including SafelyYou, Nexar, and SuperAnnotate. Previously, Darrell advised Pinterest, Tyzx (acquired by Intel), IQ Engines (acquired by Yahoo), Koozoo, BotSquare/Flutter (acquired by Google), MetaMind (acquired by Salesforce), Trendage, Center Stage, KiwiBot, WaveOne, DeepScale, and Grabango. Darrell has also served as an expert witness for patent litigation relating to computer vision.