
Click here to register.
Registration Type Early Rate
Through April 30
Standard Rate
May 1 - June 5
Late Rate
After June 5
In-Person Student Attendee $500 $700 $900
Student Attendee with
On-Campus Lodging
$1,000 - -
Academic Attendee $850 $1,100 $1,350
Industry Attendee $950 $1,200 $1,450
Workshop Only Attendee $250 $350 $400
Pathways Attendee with
On-Campus Lodging
$1,100 (Invitation Only) - -
RSS Pioneers Attendee with
On-Campus Lodging
$1,100 (Invitation Only) - -
Virtual Conference Streaming $80 - -

*The registration rates are in USD and are based on the date (Pacific Time) of registration and payment.

**Except for workshop only attendees, rates for in-person registration include access to all food served during the conference

Visa and Travel Information

RSS attendees who require a visa and have any questions should contact Junheng Li ( More details will be available soon.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Participants registered for in-person attendance who are not able to fly to Los Angeles for RSS 2025 due to unexpected circumstances that are not under their control, such as inability to acquire a visa or illness, can cancel their registration by June 10th and will be reimbursed for the full cost of their original registration. Alternatively, in this scenario, they can transfer the registration to another person at the same registration level (student/academic/industry). Participants who want to cancel or transfer their registration should communicate with the registration chairs, Quan Nguyen ( and Graeme Best (, and provide proof for the reason of their cancellation in their communication. Starting from June 11th, the conference will not be able to consider cancellation and refund the cost of registration.

Author Registration Requirement

At least one author of an accepted paper to be presented during RSS should be registered at the in-person rate by the time of the conference.