Paper Review Form
04 Dec 2019Here is the paper review form for RSS 2020.
Reviewer’s expertise: How well do you know the paper’s subject topics?
( Required )
Briefly describe the paper and its contributions to robotics science and systems. You should attempt to re-express your paper’s position so clearly, vividly, and fairly that the authors say, “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it that way.”
( Required, Visible To Authors After Decision Notification )
List any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).
( Required, Visible To Authors After Decision Notification )
Mention what you have learned from this paper.
( Required, Visible To Authors After Decision Notification )
Quality Score: This score reflects your assessment of the overall quality of the paper.
( Required, Visible To Authors Only Decision Notification ) Excellent (among the most interesting papers you have read over the past year) Very Good (a solid paper that makes an important contribution) Good (a paper that has its flaws but makes a good contribution) Fair (a paper that is on its way to making a good contribution but not there yet) Poor (a paper that needs significant work)
Impact: This work is different enough from typical submissions to potentially have a major impact on a subset of the robotics community
( Checkbox ) ( Required, Visible To Authors After Decision Notification )
Explain your rating by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the submission, contributions, and the potential impact of the paper. Include suggestions for improvement and publication alternatives, if appropriate. Be thorough. Be fair. Be courteous.
( Required, Visible To Authors After Decision Notification )
You may enter private comments for the papers committee here. Please do not mention any other papers that are currently in review, or the names of people associated with these papers.
( Optional )