GOAT: GO to Any Thing

Matthew Chang, Theophile Gervet, Mukul Khanna, Sriram Yenamandra, Dhruv Shah, So Yeon Min, Kavit Shah, Chris Paxton, Saurabh Gupta, Dhruv Batra, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Jitendra Malik, Devendra Singh Chaplot
Paper Website

Paper ID 73

Session 11. Navigation

Poster Session day 2 (Wednesday, July 17)

Abstract: In deployment scenarios such as homes and warehouses, mobile robots are expected to autonomously navigate for extended periods, seamlessly executing tasks articulated in terms that are intuitively understandable by human operators. We present GO To Any Thing (GOAT), a universal navigation system capable of tackling these requirements with three key features: a) Multimodal: it can tackle goals specified via category labels, target images, and language descriptions, b) Lifelong: it benefits from its past experience in the same environment, and c) Platform Agnostic: it can be quickly deployed on robots with different embodiments. GOAT is made possible through a modular system design and a continually augmented instance-aware semantic memory that keeps track of the appearance of objects from different viewpoints in addition to category-level semantics. This enables GOAT to distinguish between different instances of the same category to enable navigation to targets specified by images and language descriptions. In experimental comparisons spanning over 90 hours in 9 different homes consisting of 675 goals selected across 200+ different object instances, we find GOAT achieves an overall success rate of 83%, surpassing previous methods and ablations by 32% (absolute improvement). GOAT improves with experience in the environment, from a 60% success rate at the first goal to a 90% success after exploration. In addition, we demonstrate that GOAT can readily be applied to downstream tasks such as pick and place and social navigation.