Imitation Bootstrapped Reinforcement Learning

Hengyuan Hu, Suvir Mirchandani, Dorsa Sadigh
Paper Website

Paper ID 56

Session 7. Imitation learning

Poster Session day 2 (Wednesday, July 17)

Abstract: Despite the considerable potential of reinforcement learning (RL), robotics control tasks predominantly rely on imitation learning (IL) due to its better sample efficiency. However, it is costly to collect comprehensive expert demonstrations that enable IL to generalize to all possible scenarios, and any distribution shift would require recollecting data for finetuning. Therefore, RL is appealing if it can build upon IL as an efficient autonomous self-improvement procedure. We propose imitation bootstrapped reinforcement learning (IBRL), a novel framework for sample-efficient RL with demonstrations that first trains an IL policy on the provided demonstrations and then uses it to propose alternative actions for both online exploration and bootstrapping target values. Compared to prior works that oversample the demonstrations or regularize RL with additional imitation loss, IBRL is able to utilize high quality actions from IL policies since the beginning of training, which greatly accelerates exploration and training efficiency. We evaluate IBRL on 6 simulation and 3 real-world tasks spanning various difficulty levels. IBRL significantly outperforms prior methods and the improvement is particularly more prominent in harder tasks.