Offline Imitation Learning Through Graph Search and Retrieval

Zhao-Heng Yin, Pieter Abbeel
Paper Website

Paper ID 54

Session 7. Imitation learning

Poster Session day 2 (Wednesday, July 17)

Abstract: Imitation learning is a powerful machine learning algorithm for a robot to acquire manipulation skills. Nevertheless, many real-world manipulation tasks involve precise and dexterous robot-object interactions, which make it difficult for humans to collect high-quality expert demonstrations. As a result, a robot has to learn skills from suboptimal demonstrations and unstructured interactions, which remains a key challenge. Existing works typically use offline deep reinforcement learning~(RL) to solve this challenge, but in practice these algorithms are unstable and fragile due to the deadly triad issue. To overcome this problem, we propose GSR, a simple yet effective algorithm that learns from suboptimal demonstrations through Graph Search and Retrieval. We first use pretrained representation to organize the interaction experience into a graph and perform a graph search to calculate the values of different behaviors. Then, we apply a retrieval-based procedure to identify the best behavior (actions) on each state and use behavior cloning to learn that behavior. We evaluate our method in both simulation and real-world robotic manipulation tasks with complex visual inputs, covering various precise and dexterous manipulation skills with objects of different physical properties. GSR can achieve a 10% to 30% higher success rate and over 30% higher proficiency compared to baselines.